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"kill muslims" vs 'kill christians" in the United States



"kill muslims" vs "kill christians" in the World



When comparing these two search terms, the results are extremely similar between the United States and worldwide. Throughout both graphs, “kill muslims” is relatively the same as “kill christians,” being only slightly above it. The most significant “kill muslims” spikes take place at the same time as major terrorist activity. In both July 2005 and November 2015, the level of searches for “kill muslims” reached the maximum. Consequently, the London Bombings took place in July 2005 and San Bernardino Shooting occured in November of 2015. The results of the searches show a direct correlation between hate speech towards muslims and major terrorist attacks.


"muslim terrorists" vs "christian terrorists" in the United States



"muslim terrorists" vs "christian terrorists" in the World



The data in both of these graphs is very similar to the first two graphs. The results for both search terms are relatively similar, with “muslim terrorists” only slights above “christian terrorists.” The period of time that has stayed consistent throughout all graphs thus far has been November of 2015. The San Bernardino shooting undoubtedly triggered many responses from Americans and the rest of the world. Both graphs support the idea that hate speech towards muslims increases following terrorism.


Related Queries: 



The first related query to “muslim terrorists” leads me to believe that the general public consider all terrorists to be affiliated with muslims, or something roughly along those lines. The words “terrorist” and “muslim” become almost synonymous in the minds of many Americans.


"are muslims terrorists" vs "are christians terrorists" in the United States



"deport muslims" vs "deport christians" in the United States



Unlike all previous graphs, these two have little to no responses for “deport christians” with a significant amount of “deport muslims” results. However, searches for “deport muslims” remained relatively low up until November 2015. The shooting from 2015 stimulated a greater desire for the deportation of Muslims. It appears there has never been a desire to deport Christians as far back as 2004.



Link to Summary & Conclusion: Summary.