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🔥 Muslims & Hate Speech 🔥

According to the FBI, Anti-Muslim hate crimes are approximately five times more frequent than they were before 2001.

It is no surprise that Americans were forever changed following the September 11 attacks. Since then, public attitude towards muslims in general has turned sour, many holding prejudices against muslims and affiliated ethnicities. Many muslims living in the United States are cast aside as un-American because of their religious beliefs. Ironic for a country that praises itself for freedom of religion, as stated in the First Amendment. However, this negative attitude towards muslims, although prominent in America, is not exclusive to just the United States. Many countries across the globe, mostly European countries, share very similar feelings towards muslim populations within their own regions.

Since 2001, Islamophobia has been on the rise. This rise of xenophobic attitudes can be credited to terrorist attacks that have occurred through the years, most recently the San Bernardino Shooting and the Paris Attacks. Some argue that the 2016 Presidential election also gave a platform for many to express their discontent with the presence of muslims in the country.

Google trends is able to track the general attitude of the public following such events throughout the years. Over the course of the past few days, I have researched about google trends following terrorist attacks. Through my research, I was able to analyze the overall attitude towards muslims following acts of terrorism in the United States and other countries across the globe.

I was born and raised in California, but I have parents who grew up in Afghanistan and are now legal citizens of the United States, and have been for the past thirty years. My entire family is muslim, and so am I. This topic appealed to me not only because I identify as a muslim, but because of the relevancy it has today worldwide. With proposed legislation such as President Trump’s Muslim Ban, an order that would bar citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the US, anti-muslim movements within government institutions are now a reality.

I wanted to explore how Google Trends portrays the feelings of the public when it comes to muslims. Let’s dive in, shall we?



September 11, 2001 - Plane Attacks World Trade Center

March 11, 2004 - Madrid Train Bombings

July 7, 2005 - London Bombings

November 13, 2015 - Paris Attacks

December 2, 2015 - San Bernardino Shooting

June 12, 2016 - Orlando Nightclub Shooting



The Rise of Hate Search

This New York Times article discusses the direct correlation between anti-Muslim google searches and anti-Muslim hate crimes. The article expands on its methods of collecting data and analyzes the results concluded. Hate speech searches against muslims were most prominent following major terrorist attacks. The article mentions the San Bernardino shooting, but in their search they analyzed data from 2004-2013. Mentioned by the article, Islamophobia and thus anti-Muslim hate crimes are currently higher than at any time since the immediate aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks. The article ends with different solutions to combat and acknowledge the issue of anti-Muslim hate speech and hate crimes.


Twice a Victim: How Have Attacks Affected Muslims in Europe?

The Aljazeera article focuses on the European attitude towards muslims following the Madrid bombings in 2004. These attacks were claimed to be carried out in the name of Islam, which has created an association between the Islamic faith and armed violence. The attacks led to a rise in Islamophobia and challenged the lives of many European-muslims.


Hope and Despair: Being Muslim in America After 9/11

This NBC News article provides a timeline of major moments revolving Muslims since September 11, 2001. The article mentions the struggles American-Muslims have faced since then and the general negative attitude they recieve.


Everything you need to know about Donald Trump's 'Muslim ban'

This article gives an overview of Trump’s Muslim Ban. It discusses what the ban entails and who it affects.



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